Workbench Tools

Load and Save

Save with

A window will appear with a text field whose contents (ideally) is already highlighted. If it should not be highlighted, please select the full contents by right clicking on it and choose "Select All" in the context menu. Then copy the selected contents and paste it into any editor. From this, save the file in the subdirectory "circuits" with the file extension. "xml".

Load with

After entering a file name (without extension) the file is loaded from the subdirectory "circuits".

Save and Load with and

Flash animations cannot write files for safety reasons into the file system of your computer. It is however possible to put so-called Shared Objects in a specific directory (which, among other things, depends on the place of the animation) with the extension ".sol". This possibility was used here, as if it were its own LogiFlash DataSystem, so that you do not have to use the Copy&Paste solution for each backup copy.

After clicking on one of the two buttons, a window opens that can be used like file dialogues , which you know from other applications. You must however always confirm with "Save" and/or "Load", since Flash does not know double clicks. With "Delete" you can remove files from the file list, and with "Cancel" you abort the operation. Otherwise, note the following:

  • If you use LogiFlash from two different Internet directories, or pages that are on two different file systems, you are unfortunately not able to exchange data among themselves. Folder at the moment can not be created.
  • In some cases, there is instability in such a way that files are accidentally deleted. Important files should be saved also with the above-described copy & paste secure solution.
  • To export the circuits later to the LogiFlashViewer, you can not use the above copy & paste solution. Read here how to show circuits in LogiFlashViewer.

Hint: If you liked to know exactly where the files are stored, look for the file "directory.sol".

VHDL export with

Here again appears a window with a text field (similar to the XML export via copy & paste). All the subtleties of VHDL-exports can not be explained here, but some points can be noted:

  • The labels of the signal sources and sinks are accepted. If no labels are assigned, generic names are created.
  • By ticking the box "Delay", all gates, FlipFlops and registers get an ideal delay of 1 nanosecond. If this box is not clicked, these components are delay-free.
  • By clicking on the box "stimulus trunk", an additional stimuli is attached with its configuration, in which you must supplement only the signals value to the circuit simulation with a VHDL compiler.



LogiFlash, Original Text and Example:
Technische Informatik Universität Frankfurt