Workbench Tools

Exercices (Tasks)

In the task mode, you can create exercises of the form "connect the existing components to build an adder"or "correct this circuit".

This functions as follows :

  • Construct a correct version of the circuit (so to speak, the solution) as described above (ie not yet in the task-mode).
  • As signal sources you may use here only switches (button or Calliper). Signal sources and signal sinks must be provided with labels.
  • When the circuit is finished and when the input and output are provided with labels, change into the task mode.
  • Here they can define now a test pattern. There are several possibilities:
    • Click on Full: It will automatically search all possible input values for the created switches.
    • Click on Start: Blinking letters "Test Recording" appears, and you can use a test pattern, which means you can click on the buttons and define one by one all the input configurations that are sufficient to prove the correctness of the circuit. Then click on "Stop".
    • In both cases, the associated results are recorded automatically.
    • There are still the variants to FullRt and StartRt. These work exactly the same as descriptive above, but there will be an initial reset (all signal sources will be set to zero, Flipflops and registers will be reset).
  • If you click now on "test", the entered test patterns are successively put on and, if nothing has changed in the meantime, the circuit is recognized as correct. Leave now the task mode.
  • Save this circuit as a model solution (the test patterns are also saved with).
  • Modify the circuit now to create the exercice by deleting some wires, modifying the arrangement of the components or the wiring. If you wish, you can add explanatory text.
  • Store the modified circuit as the exercise.
  • If the circuit is loaded now with the LogiFlash Viewer, the presence of a test pattern is automatically detected and accordingly a signal button and a help function are provided with a manual. Read here how to show circuits in LogiFlashViewer.



LogiFlash, Original Text and Example:
Technische Informatik Universität Frankfurt



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